Author: Fibromyalgia Cause Team

fibromyalgia and Migraines

Migraines in Women & Fibromyalgia

The condition of fibromyalgia is a considered to be a chronic pain condition. This condition affects around three to nine million adults in the United States. Of course, you should be aware that this condition is not so much a specific disease, but is considered a syndrome. This means that […]

Fibromyalgia and bone pain

Does Fibromyalgia Have an Effect on Bone Health?

The condition of fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain that is often debilitating. It effects around 10 percent of the population across the world and is occurs seven times more in women than in men. Besides the pain, there are other signs and symptoms, including irritable bowel syndrome, sleep disorders, […]

Crawling Skin and Fibromyalgia

Crawling Skin and Fibromyalgia

Autoimmune diseases can be mysterious and infuriating to both patient and doctor alike. Most of them have a wide range of symptoms—some of which are specific, but many of which can be vague and sporadic. Due to this, diagnosis of autoimmune disorders often involves visits to multiple doctors who will […]

Fibromyalgia and Dysphasia

Speech Problems? Fibromyalgia and Dysphasia

As time passes, more and more people are learning about fibromyalgia and its many symptoms. The condition is a chronic one, with sufferers often experiencing a long list of symptoms that range from widespread pain in their joints to extreme fatigue. Most people have heard that fibromyalgia causes tiredness and […]