{"id":739,"date":"2019-06-22T06:15:28","date_gmt":"2019-06-22T06:15:28","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.livingwithfibromyalgia.net\/?p=739"},"modified":"2019-07-19T01:38:39","modified_gmt":"2019-07-19T01:38:39","slug":"causes-for-fibromyalgia-twitching","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.fibromyalgiacause.com\/causes-for-fibromyalgia-twitching\/","title":{"rendered":"The Real Causes For Fibromyalgia Twitching"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are you or any of your loved ones diagnosed with Fibromyalgia? If so, then I am sure you are alarmed and want to find out more.<\/p>\n

Fibromyalgia can seem scary, but it is possible to live with it and help lessen the symptoms.<\/p>\n

One of the worst symptoms for some is the muscle twitching since that help be annoying after a while.<\/p>\n

This article will hopefully help you find ways to cope with the muscle twitching from now on.<\/p>\n

For Those Who May Not Know, What Is Fibromyalgia?<\/span><\/h2>\n

In case you do not know much about the condition, I will try to help alleviate that stress.<\/p>\n

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that involves chronic pain, along with other symptoms. The pain is in the musculoskeletal system, which included ligaments, joints, nerves, muscles, and tendons.<\/p>\n

It can also include pain in the parts of the body that help support us, such as the neck, back, and limbs like legs.<\/p>\n

Causes for Fibromyalgia and Twitching<\/span><\/h2>\n

If you or someone you love has Fibromyalgia, then I am sure this question has popped into your head: What are the causes?<\/p>\n

This is a good question and is important to look into. There are a couple of things that could cause Fibromyalgia, as well as some things that could put someone at risk.<\/p>\n


I know that hearing this is not fun, but genetics do play a part in having the condition.<\/p>\n

If anyone in your family has had Fibromyalgia than there is a higher chance of you getting it.<\/p>\n

It could be a genetic mutation or maybe just something that is passed down through DNA, but there is a higher chance of getting it if it runs in the family.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, women also have a higher risk of getting Fibromyalgia than men, so if you have symptoms and are a woman you should make sure to get checked out as soon as possible.<\/p>\n

Previous Physical Trauma<\/em><\/h3>\n

There are some triggers for the condition, though we do not know enough about them to give too much detail.<\/p>\n

One of the triggers seems to be immense physical trauma that can affect the stability of your muscles and joints, or causes damage to your ligaments.<\/p>\n

Car accidents and other injuries can all help trigger Fibromyalgia, especially if you are already susceptible to it.<\/p>\n

Infections and Extreme Illnesses<\/em><\/h3>\n

I am not sure what exact illnesses help raise the risk of getting the disorder, but some there does seem to be a trigger.<\/p>\n

If you have had an infection or an illness that took a toll on your body then you could be more susceptible to getting the condition, especially if it already runs in your family.<\/p>\n

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?<\/span><\/h2>\n

Fibromyalgia involves chronic muscular pain, but it is also followed by some other unpleasant symptoms.<\/p>\n

These symptoms vary based on the person and not everyone will feel them the same way.<\/p>\n

Because of how many symptoms there are, and how varied they are, doctors can have a hard time diagnosing the condition.<\/p>\n

Some of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia are:<\/strong><\/p>\n