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Is fibromyalgia hereditary
Living with Fibromyalgia

Is fibromyalgia hereditary?

Reasons That Bring about Fibromyalgia Among the most challenging problems with fibromyalgia is the idea that the grounds stay not known. You will find numerous hypotheses about this particular subject. However, there is totally no unanimous contract about what specifically results in the advancement of the symptoms. Just what the […]

How Fibromyalgia Changed My Life
Living with Fibromyalgia

How Fibromyalgia Changed My Life

Fibromyalgia (FM) not only took over my life, but it nearly cost me my family and everything I’ve ever lived for. Growing up I was “your average kid.” I played outside with friends, participated in extracurricular activities throughout school, played pranks on random people that I didn’t know, and of course, […]

Fibromyalgia and Sensitivity to Touch
Living with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia and Sensitivity to Touch

When most people think about fibromyalgia, they think about pain. The disease is a chronic one that causes widespread pain and inflammation throughout the body—particularly in the muscles and joints. The pain of fibromyalgia can differ from person to person, with some people experiencing a vague aching and others dealing […]

Fibromyalgia and Sound
Living with Fibromyalgia

Shhh! Fibromyalgia and Sound

Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition known for causing widespread pain and serious fatigue, can have a whole list of symptoms. Sometimes these symptoms don’t seem interconnected in any way, as they can affect completely different parts of the body; the symptoms also might not all flare up at the same time. […]